What Should you Pay Attention to when you Buy a Washing Machine?

When purchasing a (New) washing machine it is useful to first put forward to yourself which features of a washing machine are important to you. Do you like energy-efficient washing machines important?

Do you find the maximum contents of the washing drum important and / or do you benefit more with specific programs of a washing machine?

Pay Attention to when you Buy a Washing Machine

Are you going for a fairly good brand or go for an even better brand, but do you pay a little more for this? It is important to tune the washing machine to your household. That way you enjoy it the most.


Nowadays all washing machines are equipped with an energy label. Due to this label you can immediately see how energy efficient the washing machine is.

When a washing machine is super economical, this means not only an advantage for your wallet, but also an advantage for the environment.

When a washing machine with the Energy Label A +++ purchases, you are certainly good for the environment. A win-win situation.

Drum Size

Most washing machines can have lost 7 to 9 kilos in their drum.

This is a decent quantity, but when you have a large household, it might be finer to have an even larger washer so that you can wash more items of clothing at the same time and therefore also needs to turn fewer washes.

When the drum content is important to you, don't forget to look at or inform.

Washing Programs

The number of specific washing machine washing programs can also be an important feature for your new washing machine.

Most machines have standard programs, but when your son or daughter sits on football and regularly comes home with all tenues, it is certainly nice to have a washing machine that has a good sports program.

When you have put the characteristics important for you in a row, you can put washing machines in a row. Which falls off and what about it?

You can compare the washing machines that over. You can do this online, but you can also go to a store where you can personally advise you. What are the most important differences?

Compare the tested washing machines with each other and also take the time before.

Have you found the right washing machine for you? Then it's time to pay attention to the real details.

These are considering points of attention that you don't think so fast, but what is nice to have thought about to make the use of the washing machine as easy as possible.

With most washing machines you can adjust or choose the direction of the door, but this is something to pay attention.

In addition, you may find it useful to be able to serve the washing machine remotely so that you can hang the wash immediately or stop in the dryer when you come home. That eventually saves you time.

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